Welcome to Disharoon Ridge Unit Owners Association Website

Welcome to Disharoon Ridge Unit Owners Association Website


The Board of Directors of the Disharoon Ridge Unit Owner’s Association (DRUOA) is delighted you are interested in our community.  Our goal is to provide residents with needed information to properly navigate a great experience while residing in our community and to provide copies of our governing documents to parties needing these legal instruments or other supporting legal documents, (please see Governing Documents Page or the Supporting Community Information Page).  Most other general questions may be answered by visiting the FAQ‘s page.




If you are a full-time resident of Disharoon Ridge Condominium Association or you lease your unit to a full time tenant, your preparation for winter weather will be different from interim owner/occupiers or short term lessors.  Regardless of your ownership status, preparing for severe winter events is the best strategy for protecting your investment.

Please be warned.  We have had major plumbing freeze disasters in the recent past with expensive repair consequences, not only in the unit with the frozen pipes, but in the units under the burst pipes.  It is very important to protect your unit as well as protecting neighbors around your unit.

Interim owner/short term lessors may believe they can turn down the thermostat to 50 degrees, open their cabinets under sinks in the kitchen and bathroom and be safe.  This is not true.  If electric feeder lines outside Big Canoe break resulting in power loss, you may have no heat for an undetermined period resulting in possible frozen/broken pipes.  The best practice for freezing safety when you are absent, especially when extended below-freezing temperatures are forecast, is to turn off your water at the incoming turn-off-valve.  Your turn-off-valve is labeled with your unit number and is located on the right side of your building behind the utility meters, in a crawl space at ground level.  There is no light in that area so take a flashlight.

Our Big Canoe Fire Chief and Safety Officer, Ricky Jordan, has prepared a check list for Big Canoe owners.  Please read and heed the good advice provided below. Download the following document to learn how to protect your property and yourself in Big Canoe during a severe winter event. You can apply the appropriate advice to your unit and your residency.
2025-Winter safety from Safety officer

ELECTRIC VEHICLES: New or current owners who have or, in the future, will have an electric vehicle, or owners with guests or tenants with electric vehicles must arrange for charging their vehicles elsewhere.  Many sources will tout that you can charge your vehicles from household outlets with adapters, but our building configuration is not compatible with safe electric car charging.  Long extension cords are a safety, and fire hazard.  Attempting to use an outlet such as the one on the Trash Hut is inappropriate as it is theft of our Association’s utility services.  There are no electric vehicle charging station in Big Canoe.  You may find a ChargePoint Charging Station at the Lowe’s Grocery store in Marble Hill. When driving into the main entrance turn right in front of Lowe’s then turn right again into the parking area. Drive to the end of that parking area and turn left.  Follow the outside edge of the parking area and look for the 2 green parking spots to see the charging station signs.

PARKING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD: All units have one private, assigned parking space which is labeled with a sign indicating your condominium unit number.  If you have an additional auto or if guests visit, there are limited parking spots labeled with signs saying, “GUEST”.  Any other form of transport must be stored in the POA auxiliary parking lot for a fee.

Our condominium community trash hut is ONLY used for normal household garbage (no cardboard or construction trash) which is to be placed only in 13 gallon plastic, tied, garbage bags (please no grocery bags as they tear and leak).  Kitty litter should be double bagged.  The code for the trash hut entry can be obtained by emailing the DRUOA board at disharoonridge@aol.com.

Recycling Trash at the North Gate Trash collecting area: You are strongly requested to utilize Big Canoe North Gate Trash Collection Site to recycle cardboard, aluminum cans and metal. And you may use Pickens County Recycling Facilities for recycling #1 and #2 plastics, metal food cans, and glass. It is located on Cove Road just a few hundred yards from the BC Roundabout.  These items must be retained inside your unit and delivered to the North Gate Trash Collection Site or the Pickens Country Recycling Facility where recycling can be practiced.

Bulk trash such as unwanted or broken furniture, carpet/rugs, building materials, wood etc, must be retained in your unit until a scheduled POA Bulk Trash Date.  Bulk trash collection dates are currently being offered quarterly by the POA.  Detailed information regarding location of collection container, possible charges for services such as paper shredding or charges for amounts of discarded items by vehicle size are communicated by emails to owners.

Watch for email alerts from POA for Dates, times, charges and restrictions regarding Bulk Trash Dates.

2025 Bulk Trash Dates – Located at the North Gate Trash facility – April 26, 2025 (with shredding):
Normal Bulk Trash Dates are Saturdays between 10 AM & 2 PM
$20 per car load, $40 per truck or trailer
Call 706-268-3390 for more information

Consider downloading the free Utilities Inc. phone app “eyeonwater” to monitor your water usage and detect leaks while you are not in your condo.  Detecting a running toilet or a small leak in a timely manner can save you a great deal of money.  See the details on the FAQ page in the discussion on the cost of utilities and be sure to have your utility water account number available when registering.



An Orientation Summary:  This will answer the normal new-owner, tenant or guest inquiries like, “What County are we in?”, “Where is the nearest hospital?”, “Who should I call for what?”.  Plus there is a Big Canoe Map to help you get around and locate emergency exits.
DRUO Neighborhood Orientation
Best quality large map and legend of Big Canoe only.
Big Canoe Street Map 2022 PRINT

Be informed about the POA General Rules for all of Big Canoe.  Here’s a link to download a “quick print-out” for yourself and your tenants.
POA General Rules for All
Additional Condo Rules and Regulations for our neighborhood may be downloaded from the Governing Documents Page.

Explanation of  Your Lot Number:
Generally, your lot number is your unit number.  If you own a unit with a B behind the unit number, your lot number is configured differently and has the number “10” inserted before the unit number.  The “B” is dropped.
For example, if your unit number is 431B, your lot number will be 10431.

Paying you condo assessment fees:  Instructions for paying assessment fees are also posted on this website on the Owner’s Roster and Assessments web page.  Email announcements regarding fees are sent from the Association’s email account, disharoonridge@aol.com.  If you have questions, please contact the board members through this email address.
New owners, PLEASE NOTE, Assessment fees are due on the first of the month, and late payments will incur late fees and penalty interest.  No invoices will be mailed to you.

General Articles  for Introduction to Understanding Condominium Ownership:
The following articles could be a great help in understanding the scope of condo ownership, the privileges and responsibilities, and understanding condo fees.  Avoid misconceptions and disappointment by being informed.  Condominium life can be delightful and liberating if you know what to expect and are properly prepared for community ownership.  We offer the following independently published articles to help each owner understand how their fees are determined and how they are used.  Download these short articles and read at your convenience.
1.  The distinctions between condominium and HOA (like Big Canoe POA) fees.
Condo Fees vs HOA fees
2.  4 Misconceptions about Condominiums.
4 Money Misconceptions About Condominiums
3.  An In-depth explanation of condominium fees (assessments).
Condominium Fees In-Depth



Big Canoe Chapel Library is Open to all:  The Big Canoe Chapel is now open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The library is open to all homeowners in Big Canoe and operates on a self-serve basis. In addition to a large-print collection, audio, and DVD options are also available along with children’s books and movies.  The honor system prevails in checking out materials from the collection. Books may be checked out for 21 days, movies and audio-books for seven days. The check-out box is in the front room with instructions posted beside the box. Simply sign the card that is in the pocket of the book or DVD, add the date and your telephone number, and place the card in the box. Returns are to be placed in the cabinet in the hall beside the library door.  All information stated here has been verified as correct as of 8/1/23.

Additional event and community information may be found at bigcanoepoa.org , (your ID is your lot number), smokesignalsnews.com , insidethegates.org


Owners or tenants may send emails to the Board of directors at the following email address.

© 2016